World university rankings were announced by Thomas Reuters and The Times. As an Indian, besides being one in teaching for nearly five decades, I was eager to know the results of the announcement.

I showed enough concern. Where have our good Indian universities/higher educational institutions been placed? I set my eyes on top ranks and it didn’t give anything to be proud of. My eyes crossed over more than 250 names of universities of the world, including those of some not so “developed countries.”

But we came across no name of Indian institutions/universities. This pained me. This upset me. Why has Indian education scenario been virtually eclipsed by the scenarios of the rest of the world? I drew an education level comparatistics between higher education in India and that in other countries.

World Education Scene occupied higher level in research and publications. Research flourishes where research is brought to bright light through publications. I advocate, growth in Indian Education scenario is a Cultural Imperative and this awareness has resulted in my book: Journal Publishing.

I have written a book to help readers understand what a journal is, who are all behind in journal creation and production, how a journal is published, where journal flourishes when it is published, and why it is mandatory in development.

I have taken materials from all over for which I have acknowledged in the references, but for them this book would not have been a reality.