Proficiency Enrichment

  • Proficiency is skill in doing things. For this you have to know what you are doing, and how you should do it. Here, you should comprehend what you are doing.
  • Proficiency is expertise in doing things. For this you have to possess special skills or special knowledge in doing things. Here you need to comprehend better and more.
  • Proficiency is experience with knowledge or skill you gain while you do something. This will help you to do the same or the similar again with ease.
  • Proficiency is accomplishment. It relates to success accomplished or achieved after a lot of effort and hard work.
  • Proficiency is competence. It is the ability to do something well.
  • Proficiency is mastery. It shows thorough understanding or great skill in doing things or knowing things.
  • Proficiency is prowess refers to great skill in doing things like military prowess or physical prowess.
  • Proficiency is professionalism. It is the skill and high standards expected of a professional person.
  • Proficiency is deftness. It is the special skill in doing something.
  • Proficiency is adroitness. It is the cleverness in the use of words and arguments.
  • Proficiency is dexterity. It is the skill and speed in doing something with hand. It can also be skilful use of words or mind.
  • Proficiency is finesse. Finesse refers to doing things with skill and style.
  • Proficiency is ability. It is someone’s level of doing something.
  • Proficiency depends on comprehending things and how to do things, and improve performance with better skill and experience. In order to improve proficiency, comprehension shall be improved.